Monday, January 16, 2006

Never Underestimate the Power of Good Health

THE NEXT DOCTOR we saw was a radiologist in Ft. Worth, Texas. His specialty was prostate cancer, as is the case with many radiologists, but he had been recommended to us by a friend, and when he agreed to talk with us we made the appointment. He stood in front of a blank flip chart of white paper and showed us what radiation treatment would do to me. Basically, it would cook one kidney, much of my liver, and cause my large intestine to stop functioning. Radiation was out.

HE HAD SPOKEN WITH A MELANOMA EXPERT in the clinic, which was attached to a prestigious medical school. He told us his colleague felt that chemotherapy did not have good results for melanoma patients with existing tumors. Sometimes there was an early response, but the recurrence rate was very high. The patient was weakened by the therapy and if every bit of the cancer was not destroyed, it overtook the body.

HE TOOK A CHAIR ACROSS THE TABLE from us. “If you want my advice,” he said, “I will tell you to be practical.” He opened his hands palm upward. “They have no cure for what you’ve got. They don’t even have an edge on it, but there are many experiments—trials.” He dropped his hands to the tabletop. “Since they can’t cure you, find those things which do you the least harm. Keep your immune system intact. Don’t let any treatments do anything to harm your natural system.

“YOU ARE THE PICTURE OF HEALTH. Very unusual in a melanoma patient.”

“I’VE BEEN PRACTICING GOOD NUTRITION,” I said, “exercising, and taking herbs and vitamins.”

“WELL, I WOULD KEEP that up.” He smiled. “You look good, and that’s important. Never underestimate the power of good health or the resilience of the body.” He stood and reached out to shake our hands in dismissal. “Good luck.”

TOM AND I BEGAN the long drive back to Dallas, knowing that we had received excellent advice. I would keep doing what I could to improve myself physically and spiritually, and I would continue my search for help. I knew exactly what to look for now.

You’re blessed. Be a blessing!


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