OFTEN, EVEN AFTER I’ve sought guidance—and received it—I find myself still micro-managing. I’m like the man who hands God the broom, but then can’t resist telling Him, “Hey. You missed a spot.”
TWELVE-STEPPERS CALL IT, “Letting go and letting God.” It’s the Third Step, and it’s a real crowd thinner. Few things are as difficult for me, especially when I believe I’ve been given the answer I’ve been waiting for. My overwhelming impulse is to run pell-mell down the path to some finish line I’m sure is only a few steps away.
BUT, I’M CONFUSING the goal with the importance of keeping God with me on my journey.
THE QUAKERS HAVE A SAYING that, for me, explains this best, “When you pray, move your feet.” For them, constant prayer brings direction to their lives. It conforms their decisions to God’s will—and they move with confidence, knowing they are headed in the right direction.
I SHOULD PAY BETTER ATTENTION to their methods. I often find myself mentally snatching the broom out of God’s hands and using my tightest voice to say, “Here. Let me show You how to do that!” Oh, I’ve got enough arrogance to shame a Pharisee.
HOW MUCH CALMER MY LIFE would be were I to acknowledge that God will handle the broom when and as He sees fit. And He sweeps clean—just ask an Edomite.
HE KNOWS BETTER and can SEE farther than I can ever hope to. All I have to do is what He asks of me—and then get out of the way!
You’re blessed. Be a blessing!