BECAUSE OF THAT, I feel the nudge to talk about Jonah.
GOD WANTED JONAH to go to Nineveh and warn the inhabitants about what He had planned for them and their evil ways. It wasn’t going to be pretty.
NOW NINEVAH WAS THE CAPITAL OF ASSYRIA, and Assyrians were the mortal enemy of the people Jonah came from. Jonah decided he’d rather risk a sea journey (most desert people were terrified of the ocean) than warn a people he loathed and sincerely hoped God would wipe off the face of the earth.

WHEN JONAH REACHED DRY LAND, he’d learned his lesson. He headed for Ninevah. It was such a huge city, it took him three days of preaching to cross it.
TO HIS SURPRISE, the Assyrians listened to him. They believed his message. Even the king heard it. They fasted; they sat in the dirt; they wore burlap. They all REPENTED and became people of faith.
AND GOD CHANGED HIS MIND about punishing them. He heard their prayers and spared them.
JONAH WAS FURIOUS! Why? Because God is merciful; abounding in love and grace; slow to anger; quick to forgive. And those rotten Assyrians didn’t deserve that. They deserved the calamity previously planned. That was what Jonah endorsed.
HE STOMPED OUT TO THE DESERT to sulk. God had not acted according to the plan.
AS FOR ME, I’m glad those old Assyrians didn’t get what they deserved.
I’M GLAD GOD CHANGED HIS MIND . . . because it gives me hope that I can be forgiven and spared as well.
You’re blessed. Be a blessing!
Labels: Assyrians, forgiveness, God changes, Jonah, Nineveh, punishment, whale
And I hope that your medical regiment was forgiving this week.
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