Sunday, September 10, 2006


ON A RECENT VISIT TO LONDON, I found myself on Oxford Street in the presence of two evangelists on opposing sidewalks whose microphones were assaulting the ears of window shoppers with questions of salvation. My first impulse was to bolt. I ducked into a shoe store, wondering how Christianity promulgated with such a heavy does of fear could possibly attract anyone.

I BEGAN TO THINK of all the times I have remained silent about my faith when the right words might have opened a conversation that God would continue. The two men who thrust their microphones into the faces of passers-by probably weren’t plagued with such regret. They were clear in their beliefs and forthright in their message.

WHEN BILLY GRAHAM last came to Dallas, I went to hear him. I wouldn’t have gone had I not been invited by friends. As much as I’d always wanted to hear him, it was the invitation that motivated me to go. And, as a result, for the first time in my life I left my complacent fence-sitting position and proclaimed my faith to strangers. It was the initial step on a journey I mean to continue.

SO, IN A TIME WHEN CHRISTIAN-BASHING has come into vogue, I make no apology for what I believe. And I feel free of that wishy-washiness that in the past has kept me from standing up to be counted.

SOMETIMES FRIENDS who don’t understand this change in me worry that their doubts and concerns about their own faith will undermine mine. They needn’t worry.

MAYBE THE UNEXAMINED LIFE isn’t worth living, but, on the other hand, the OVER-examined life is not lived fully. There’s a point when our own thinking processes—no matter how brilliant—will never yield answers to all our questions and doubts. Some things must be accepted. In faith.

THE MISSIONARIES IN LONDON know that. And I do too. Even if I don’t use a microphone.

You’re blessed. Be a blessing!


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